Our Dream

Our Vision
That all children and young people in Surrey have access to adequate support for their mental well-being and resilience, so they have the best possible chances to be the strong, resilient, independent and thriving adults that they and our society deserves.
Our Mission
To provide mental health support through counselling, for all children and young people who would not normally have access to the help they need.
To give them the tools to help them with their needs now and in the future.
To signpost children, young people and their carers to relevant services that can support them, if we are unable to help directly.

Our Values
Like the fabulous song "we believe that children are our future" and deserve the very best chances in life.
In this fast paced, ever changing world, the pressures on our children & young people and their care givers are dynamic, diverse and fast-paced.
We believe that if we can help those children & young people in need with their mental well-being and resilience, they will have better life chances and be able to grow and develop into the best version of themselves.